Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Doris' TV snacks

These irresistible coffee table snacks are absolutely delicious!
I make 2 or 3 recipes of these snacks every Christmas. I have them on hand for before dinner snacks or après snowshoeing.
Turn on oven to 225 F.
1/2 cup of butter or margarine (I use butter)
2 tablespoons of Worcestershire
1 teaspoon of Tobasco sauce
2 tablespoons of garlic powder
1 tablespoon of onion powder
1 and 1/2 teaspoons of celery seeds

Melt these 6 first ingredients in a small saucepan.

1 box of regular Shreddies
1 box of regular Cheerios
1 pound (500 g) of ssalted, shelled peanuts
1 medium size bag of pretzels

Mix these last ingredients into a large roasting pan.
Pour the melted sauce mixture over and cereals, peanuts and pretzels.
Mix well.

Roast uncovered for 90 minutes, stirring every 20 minutes.

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